In an era of endless to-do lists and multitasking, doing one thing at a time, at a slow pace and on a regular basis, is a lost art — a skill that we’ve more or less forgotten.
At Mootsh, we want to help you relearn this forgotten art. With our Memberships, we provide you with the space and time to slow down every month. To take care of something we believe to be of utmost importance: your memories! It is our heartfelt mission, and what we call « the Art of Slow Printing ».
Will you join us and try? Not only will you collect beautiful photo prints, but you’ll also begin a practice of curating and collecting your best memories, every month. Plus, there’s a multitude of added benefits that we’d love to tell you all about.
Let’s have a look at what we like to call l’Effet Mootsh! [tr. the Mootsh Effect].
Mootsh Effect #1
You will become a better photographer.
You will develop your composition skills.
By taking time each month to really look at your images and select the best of them, you will develop an eye. You will learn to see what works and what doesn’t. You will get better at choosing images, and most likely better at making them too.
You will capture with more intention.
If you know you’re going to print your photos at the end of the month, the act of photo taking gains more importance. When you add a clear goal and an intention to photography, you might soon realize that you’re making that extra effort to frame your shot, and to wait for the right moment and expression. You will no longer take photos, you will make them.

Mootsh Effect #2
You will infuse your life with joy, for many days to come!
Mootsh will help you focus on the good in your life.
When you take the time to look back at each month’s photos, you do much more than judge their composition. You actually look back at pieces of your life, and the moments that touched you, in one way or another. The time you take to look at your photos and select which ones to print connects you to the beautiful, happy and important things in your life.
You will create memories that keep on giving…joy.
Printing your best photos is not only incredibly satisfying, but it will also bring joy for a lifetime. The initial feeling that you’ll get is peace of mind. Knowing that you did something good for you and yours. And this already feels so good! But then the second wave will come, and then the third, and every time you will hold and look at these photos, alone or with your family. And with each wave, the feeling will get stronger. That’s the beauty of memories. Like a good wine, they just get better and better with time. Time has that power.
Mootsh Effect #3
You will provide your children (even if they’re not born yet) with an incredible connection to their family history.
Children love to look at photos of themselves and look back as they grow.
But how incredible for them to also be able to look back at you, their parents, and all the people in their lives (relatives, friends…) at all these stages of your shared existence.
“The memories you create today will have long-lasting effects on your family’s sense of belonging. And that is truly priceless.”
Photography is one of the strongest links you can have to your history.
The memories you create today will have long-lasting effects on your family’s sense of belonging. And that is truly priceless.
When we say Mootsh could change your life, we might let our latin blood get ahold of ourselves. But one thing we know for sure is that it’s had these effects on us. And we can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself.